Drum solo for dancers and drummers

  • ( David Machek)
  • Middle Eastern Music/Hafla/Sho on Friday at 1:00PM

This class breaks down a commonly used structure used for improvised drum solos. I explain the different sections and how they can be arranged. We talk about what dancers and drummers can (and should) expect from each other, and how to communicate with a common language. Much of the class is spent breaking down the “meat” of the drum solo, which is the solo phrases. I explain how any drum solo phrase, no matter how complicated, can be broken down into simple components. Suitable for dancers and drummers of all levels, but drummers who already have basic technical abilities will benefit the most

Other classes by the teacher(s) listed above are highlighted yellow below.

Schedule for KWDS XIII

Deadline for Class Submissions: May 28, 2019

This schedule is not finalized and is still subject to change.
General or unrated classes
(black text)
Beginner's Class
(Green Text,
Dotted Black
Top Border)
Intermediate Class
(Blue Text,
Dashed Black
Top Border)
Advanced Class
(Red Text,
Solid Black
Top Border)
European Dance Class
(Dashed Green
Bottom Border)
Middle Eastern
Dance Class
(Solid Red
Bottom Border)
Music Class
(Dotted Blue
Bottom Border)

Day 1: Thursday


Day 2: Friday

European Music 2 (Mockingbird

Day 3: Saturday


For a personalized schedule, check each class that you want to take above, then click the button below. It will show you the classes you are interested in taking in chronological order.