User Profile
KWDS Staff
- Musician Coordinator
- Musician Coordinator
Classes Taught
- KWDS 12: Crumhorn Appreciation Society
- KWDS 12: Music in the Italian Novelle
- KWDS 10: How to Play and Sing in Tune
- KWDS 9: Arranging Polyphonic Dance Music from Lute Tablatu
- KWDS 9: Morley Consort
- KWDS 8: Dance & Rythym in Period
- KWDS 8: The Rennaissance Citern
- KWDS 7: Around London - Hockley in the Hole, Maiden Lane, St. Martin's
- KWDS 7: Intro to Renaissance Instruments
- KWDS 7: Praetorius' Terpsichore Musarum