Bringing Your Work to a Broader Society Audience
- Master Philip White ( Craig Shupee)
- Bruges on Sunday at 10:00AM
You've been practicing long and hard on a performance. You've done some interesting research. You've taught some great classes. How to you share that with others in the Society? It can be difficult explaining what goes into the work you do to people who are not also performers. This class will talk about ways to share your works to a broader audience past other dancers or musicians. Take the opportunity to highlight dance and music to teach others about what we do and maybe get them more interested in joining us in our fun. At the same time get yourself some credit for your own efforts too. We will discuss: entering arts and sciences competitions, entering arts and sciences displays, entering a performance versus entering research, how to write documentation, and how to talk to non-performers about your arts. This class should be helpful for any performance art but specifically dancers - both European and other - and musicians.