Balls & Dance Parties

The Drachenwald Known World Dance Symposium XI shall feature a wide range of afternoon and evening activities, from elegant balls to dissolute gambling! Refreshments will be served at all evening functions, and open dancing commences after the balls, continuing until the last reveler seeks their bed.

Ulm Ball 1503

This ball recreates a fete held in honor of the Archduke of Austria when he made a progress to the Imperial Free City of Ulm in 1503. Chronicler Simon de Lelange describes the format that was typical to the city at that time. He states that the attendees were divided by gender, then seated by order of precedence. The majordomo of the proceedings escorted each rank-matched couple to one another, who would in turn choose the dance that they wished to lead. Other dancers were then free to choose a partner as they wished and join the lead couple. This proceeded until each rank-matched couple had led a dance.


For the KWDS XI recreation, a list of eligible dances will be published in advance so that dancers are familiar with their options. Dances may be repeated, or specific dance variations selected within the confines of the music available.

Tavern Revel

The Baron and Baroness of the Ancient Barony of Knights Crossing have decreed that a revel shall be held at the tavern within the Rathaus of Miltenberg and that appropriate beverages to such an establishment shall be served to all guests. The musicians shall play sundry simple tunes, and each of the dances shall be briefly taught so that even the most novice dancer may participate. And, when one’s feet are too tired to carry on, or when one has no love of dancing, the gaming tables shall be open to those who wish to make or lose their fortune!

Caroso-Style Ball

This ball will run as prescribed by Messer Fabrito Caroso, in which each person in turn invites someone to dance, the last person chosen being the next to choose. Participants engage in refined socialization, admire the other dancers’ sartorial choices and enjoy the time honored tradition of gossip. Participants and spectators should prepare to marvel over the terpsichorean skills on display in this elegant celebration!

Musicians’ Choice

The musicians shall play dance music that amuses them, and the attendees are invited to dance, or not, as they wish!

Performance Before the Royal Court

On Saturday afternoon, Their Excellencies the Baron and Baroness of Knights Crossing invite dancers to come and perform dances that they have learned in the course of the event. Their courtiers shall gather with Them, as well as any other spectators who care to witness the talent, beauty and grace of dancers who have traveled from across the world.

Grand Masque and Costume Ball

On Saturday evening, to close the event in style, a grand masque and costume ball shall be held celebrating famous lovers of legend and history. Costumes are not required for participation – and “costume” can be something as simple as carrying a special flower that is symbolic of the respective lover. Or, attendees may go to the other extreme and have an entire centaur costume made with working mechanical hindquarters! As you like it!


The Masque is a series of sonnets and brief dance performances by costumed performers that narrate the theme of the ball and that frame the ball as a whole. This is to be Early Renaissance spectacle at its finest. There will be plenty of dancing, music and entertainment for dancers and spectators alike!


Performers welcome! - As in proper Renaissance tradition, the performers shall be the noble attendees themselves. To take part in the Masque, please contact Event Steward Countess Judith de Northumbria (

After Hours Dance

After the formally scheduled balls and activities have ended each evening, dancers are welcome to convene on the dance floor for open dancing. An evening dance leader will be on hand to coordinate the requests with any musicians present and ensure that dancing happens!


A pdf version of this information is available here: