Proper Breathing

Yes, we can all breathe -- but exercise and vocal performance both place an extra emphasis on getting good airflow. Throughout our lives we learn bad habits which restrict our breathing, which can lead to the sensation of stage-fright, tight throat and lack of vocal projection. These responses are learned -- and they can be unlearned. Marian of Heatherdale will guide you through easy physical and mental exercises to improve your breathing. This workshop will include simple stretches and breathing techniques; please wear comfortable clothing.

Other classes by the teacher(s) listed above are highlighted yellow below.

Schedule for KWDS VII

Deadline for Class Submissions: July 2, 2009

General or unrated classes
(black text)
Beginner's Class
(Green Text,
Dotted Black
Top Border)
Intermediate Class
(Blue Text,
Dashed Black
Top Border)
Advanced Class
(Red Text,
Solid Black
Top Border)
European Dance Class
(Dashed Green
Bottom Border)
Middle Eastern
Dance Class
(Solid Red
Bottom Border)
Music Class
(Dotted Blue
Bottom Border)

Day 1: Thursday


For a personalized schedule, check each class that you want to take above, then click the button below. It will show you the classes you are interested in taking in chronological order.