KWDS Website Account Registration

If you have not made an account yet, but you have taught at a previous KWDS or have been a staff member, then an account was already made for you. Email gwommy at with your SCA Name and he'll set it up so you can use the forgot password option on the login page.
  • All KWDS staff and teachers must register an account.
  • Once you make an account, you'll be able to use it from year to year.
  • KWDS Staff members will only be allowed to edit data related to their job.
  • Teachers will be allowed to submit classes only for the upcoming KWDS.
  • A username, email, and password is the only information required for you to enter.
  • It is encouraged for you to fill out as much information as you're comfortable with sharing.
  • Your phone number, and address (if you provide it) will only be able to seen by KWDS staff members.

Required Information

  • Hint
  • Hint

Mundane Information (optional)

Mundane Alternate Contact Information (optional)

SCA Information (optional)

  • Hint

Enter a Biography for you Profile (optional)

  • Please answer the following question to verify your existence.
  • What does the "D" stand for in KWDS?