
3/31/2024 - Teachers, if you have already submitted a class for KWDMS please check your email. I have sent you a message with some updates.
If you are interested in becoming a teacher, we still have room for more classes.  Please use this link to submit your class:

2/3/2024 - Hotel Block and Camping Options Now Updated - See Lodging Page

12/17/2023 The bid has now been approved at the society level! 
"Joyous Greetings unto Meadhbh Ramsay & Colette the Seamstress!
It is our pleasure to inform you that your excellent proposal for the Known World Dance and Music Symposium is accepted. (...) Thank you, and I look forward to seeing people enjoy the event!
Yours, in Service & Art,
Sarah M. Noble McGee, PhD
Magnifica Hildegard Bergerin, OL Society Minister of Arts & Sciences"

11/7/2023: The bid has now been approved at the kingdom level. Staff are very hopeful that the bid will be approved at the society level. Approval at society level is the last step before the event is official.