Mixed Bransles de Champagne Suite
- Nawson ben Mas'ud
- Gym (side 2) on Saturday at 4:00PM
Arbeau's suggested suite: Cassandre, Pinagay, Charlotte, Guerre, and Aridan. This would be a repeat of a class that I put together for this year's Northshield Dance Seminar. It ranges from Cassandre (a beginner's dance) through Guerre (high impact aerobics, including work on divisions for those who desire) and Aridan (mentally and physically challenging). The class will address several of Arbeau's suggestions, including learning methods, differences in kicking styles, and a look at divisions.
Other classes by the teacher(s) listed above are highlighted yellow below.
Schedule for KWDS III
Deadline for Class Submissions: June 8, 2001
This schedule is not finalized and is still subject to change.